to dump McCain.
Good lord, McCain has become completely unhinged. He has shifted his position like an organ grinder - not for bailouts, for bailouts, suspending campaigns, not suspending campaigns, won't debate, will debate...ayeyaya.
What we are witnessing is a train wreck in slow motion. McCain is the engineer. Upon seeing the upcoming cliff, McCain is pulling back hard on all levers and trying to stop or turn the train around. Nothing is working.
There isn't much left to do, and how McCain responds will speak volumes about him, as it did of the Clintons. When the fight was lost, the Clintons continued to hammer and punish Obama. They went racial - don't think for a moment that Bill's antics in South Carolina weren't intended for audiences in PA and Ohio - they went personal. It didn't work then, I feel more confident it won't work now. Obama and the Dems gave the Clintons a second chance - I am not enamored by the lukewarm support thus far.
Sadly, I expect McCain to unleash a fury of personal and ad hominem attacks on Obama tonight. McCain cannot afford a tie. He cannot afford to have Obama look strong and presidential. Obama must maintain his composure, parry McCain effectively, and take the fight to McCain at times, hoping to keep McCain on his heels.
There are ramped up expectations for tonight. Millions will tune in... Tonight's the night that makes me nervous.