Friday, September 5, 2008

John Bush

McCain's speech was pedestrian. His story, though always moving, has the same effect on me as watching a made-for-TEEVEE movie for the second time. Republicans surely are waking up this morning with the hangover of having a 72 year old man leading their ticket...

Eventually, this election will come down to Obama/McCain, standing next to each other, drawing contrasts with each other, and discussing the issues. The issues are too important to ignore, and the public and media will not allow it. McCain's strategy of running on "a composite image" of the candidates is mis-placed in today's media environment.

On a side note, it looks like Gov. Palin will be hiding in Alaska for a few days. No media appearances. I seriously doubt this will go over with the media, and it allows unanswered questions to fester for days. Press releases don't cut it.