Friday, September 26, 2008

Rescue Me

With the limited information we have had, I have been against the large bailout plan proposed by the administration. While not rejecting the premise out of hand, I have agreed in principle with many who want strict conditions on this plan. These conditions must have teeth, and not be window dressing designed to look like something they are not.

I am also in favor of limited outlays of taxpayer dollars. No person in their right mind would sink so much dough into a plan that has no guarantees of success. I am fearful that Obama's preference to be seen as post-partisan will box him in to supporting a bad bill that includes conservative Republican demands.

This is a Republican mess. There are Republicans playing politics with a potential permanent solution. My suggestion? Create a short-term solution that needs no bi-partisan support and gets us to November. Examine the success of the solution after the election, providing more support if needed to get us to the new administration and new Congress.

Let's get politics out of this mess.