Thursday, September 4, 2008

PpMA (Post-partisan My Ass)

I'm trying to remember the last time I voted for a Republican. I did in the 2000 primary - John McCain. I was already worried about Bush. Of course, there are lots of local, non-partisan races, so it may be that I have cast a vote here or there for a conservative.

At the same time, I don't feel partisan. The reality is, I probably am. I wonder if I would vote for a Democratic version of Palin? Be just as excited as the Republican base? I wasn't a Deaniac, although I truly appreciate how he has expanded the Democratic Party and process. I wasn't enamored with John Edwards and was slow to warm to Sen. Obama (always in the back of my mind; could this be really happening?) Of course, I always believed that HRC would have stirred the Republican base just with her name.

I'm not a single-issue voter. Could the Republicans nominate someone I might be interested in? I simply don't see it. By the same token, we can't be surprised when the Repub base despises our candidates. They would eviscerate FDR if he were to jump out of his grave and run again.

This is a partisan election. Get involved. Knock on doors, make phone calls, contribute. Register voters, give rides on election day, write letters to the editor. Democrats have a decided edge right now, but it is clear that the Republicans intend to swing the cultural sledgehammer through the coalition.