Sunday, September 28, 2008

Debate follow-up

There was a general feeling of let-down at the debate party I attended at the conclusion of the debate. Many felt that Obama did not do enough to stop McCain's bullying tactics.

I felt a little differently. It seemed to me that Obama was not debating for the votes of the people that I watched the debate with. Indeed, even if most of Sen McCain's wild accusations against Sen Obama were true, Obama would have carried the room I was in by a landslide. Obama was courting undecideds and slight lean McCain votes.

McCain's erratic behavior has provided enough fodder for folks just slightly leaning toward him to pause. There is no reasonable way to explain his bizarre campaign and the media has simply given up trying to find plausible explanations for him. Combine that with Schmidt and Davis basically declaring war on the media, and you have the makings of a self-destructing campaign.

Obama and his staff of aces understand this in a way that those of us on the left simply cannot comprehend. I remember feeling this way during the Dem debates when I thought Obama could have cleaned Clinton's clock. But he didn't. And even though, allegedly, legions of Clinton supporters bearing pitchforks and torches were upset with Obama, he never retaliated or made Clinton look bad. Obama simply refused to pour fuel on his opponents rage...

He has done the same with McCain. As McCain hates Obama more with each passing day, Obama offers praise and friendship. Always reaching out - at least in appearances. Yes, there are campaign slams, but these are mostly about policy, and McCain's judgement about those policies. Obama is offering a road map for those not happy with McCain's recent metamorphosis to vote for the Dems. It is working spectacularly.

There is a lot of time left in this election. Anything can happen. Obama's margin for error is probably smaller than for any other candidate for president in our history. Not only do the Obama people know this, they have used it to their advantage.