I think what we are seeing is a first-class opportunist. This whole gambit just reeks of hidden agendas and ulterior motives. There are so many sub-plots to this that it is almost scary to consider. I'm tired, it's late, but here are a few random thoughts:
1. McCain needs to get the credit for a Wall Street "rescue." If he can't do that, he needs to sabotage an agreement so that he can blame Bush, Democrats, and by extension, Obama.
2. His grandstanding today, while Obama was working with him quietly in the background, suggests McCain is gaming his position on the bailout.
3. McCain continues to draw attention to himself with these bizarre maneuvers. I warned about his gambling addiction and that we were probably going to see more of his quirky behavior.
4. Postponing the debate on Friday is simply subterfuge for postponing the VP debate. Unless Palin's performance in the two softball interviews are ambushes in waiting, the McCain camp must be petrified about her readiness for next week. There will not be a VP debate next week. Take it to the bank. They cannot allow it.
5. Attention has been shifted from McCain's lobbyist problem (Rick Davis - Fannie and Freddie), and the campaign is getting tons of free face time.
Maybe I'm all wet. Maybe I'm just tired. Or maybe, like many others, I'm suffering from McCain Political Stunt Fatigue. Only time will tell.
I can't wait for November and this surreal election to be over.