Saturday, April 8, 2017

It's Going To Be Beautiful

It's difficult to read the news these days. Chemical weapons, missile strikes, upheaval at the NSA, Russians using Facebook to influence the democratic elections of the most powerful country on the planet...the list really could go on. Chaos and mayhem abound.

Our president is ill-equipped to deal with these situations. He is not versed in history or cultural affairs. The president surrounds himself with sycophants and family loyalists, none of whom are qualified for the very serious business of running our great democracy. The president is not temperamentally fit to be president.

These are not simply the opinions of a country bumpkin blogger in New Hampshire. Learned and wise leaders from a broad spectrum of political ideology are coming to grips with the seriousness of this situation.

As a businessman, the president made a career of destructive disruption to business process to leverage financial leverage. He is no Carl Icahn, but the president's piggy bank is full of nickels. Running a country is different - especially today where economic, climate and political instability have us teetering toward calamity on all fronts. What's needed is steady, wise and collaborative leadership moving us away from hyper-partisanship and into an age of empathy and cooperation.

Instead, we're stuck with Orwellian euphemisms and golf course diplomacy. This is serious business. We deserve way more than we're getting.

It's not beautiful.