Sunday, April 30, 2017

Both Sides, etc

I'm not a 'pox upon both houses' person. In my mind, there is clearly one party better than the other for working class families. The degree of how much better remains an open question that deserves scrutiny - none of which you'll read here.

Suffice to say Democrats have cooled to labor beginning 50 some odd years ago - perhaps even further if you count the Dixie-Dems who voted with Republicans to override Truman's veto of Taft-Hartley. As has been well documented elsewhere, Democrats have been feeding at the corporate cash trough since the 80s, and moving center-right as a party. Center-right doesn't produce public policy in support of working people.

The result of which is we have a country full of angry citizens not making it. Debt-ridden and lining up to fill out job apps at Walmart and food stamp apps at HHS. Our elections are no longer about policy choices - no one believes the bs anymore. More and more, our elections are being decided by which party more effectively taps into the frustrations and resentments of the working class. For now, the distinction belongs solely to Republicans and what amounts to a state-run propaganda wing, Fox News.

I don't blame the Republicans. They saw a market inefficiency and exploited it. The inefficiency has been created by the party of FDR by moving so far to the right that many have lost faith in the system. Corporate capitalism (the worst brand of capitalism) has taken over our democracy by purchasing public policy from both sides all the while manufacturing consent from the people through brilliant PR strategies.

Both sides may not be equal in their disdain for working people, but neither party is truly working for us either.