Thursday, April 27, 2017

It Was 50 Years Ago Today

Or pretty close to it, when Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play.

Hard to believe that the Lonely Hearts Club Band album is half a century old. To commemorate, the music is being remixed and re-released with 34 previously unreleased recordings. Sounds like a long weekend or two to me.

My sister was more of a fan at the time than I was. She was older and of the age that made her susceptible to the Beatles magic. Whatever it was that made the girls go crazy. The Beatles began to make an impression on me after the breakup - I was a huge fan of McCartney and Wings and each of the Beatles' 'solo' music in their own rights. I always felt a bit jobbed because I was too young to appreciate their music when they were together (I was 8 or 9 when they split) and, like almost every inhabitant of the world not named McCartney, Lennon, Harrison or Starr, I daydreamed of a reunion that never happened.

Maybe this is as close as we get. Remix an iconic classic, add some nostalgic conversation and unreleased studio tape and trip out.