Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Straight Talk

The recent flap regarding John McCain’s ethics provides a huge opportunity for Obama. Remember, it was McCain who challenged Obama to stand by the “pledge” to receive public financing for the general election.

Through the dust up, we discover that McCain, if nothing else, games the system. He used eligibility for public financing to secure a campaign loan. He also used the public campaign finance system to waive the petition requirements in the Ohio Republican primary. Now, McCain wants to wiggle out of his public financing commitments and be able to rake in donations from his lobbyist friends. Nothing outlandish, but simply political expediency – and it stands in stark contrast with the self-proclaimed “Straight Talk Express.”

On the other side, Obama has nearly 1,000,000 donors. He has not accepted money from any PACs or lobbyists (unless they have donated as individuals). For the first time in my lifetime, Obama will enter the White House not owing anyone. I think this is why the Edwards endorsement is taking so long – I have the sense that he wants more from Obama than Obama is willing to give. Since Obama is dealing from a position of strength, he should not make promises that will be difficult to keep if elected.