Unless the NYT backs up the initial story about le affaire McCain with some hard facts (pun intended) then I think I’ll not comment too much.
It’s probably fair to suggest that without any other info, this helps McCain, solidifying the conservative angst about MSM, and especially the commies at the Times. On the other hand, if more bombshells jump out of birthday cakes, McCain’s done. He doesn’t have the charm or support to beat back this story if it continues to break.
All in all, I’m delighted that this is taking up space in the MSM echo chamber. Can’t wait to hear Mathews slobbering all over himself tonight.
The icing on the cake is that this story acts like an etchasketch in that it erases almost every other non-story story that the Clinton camp has been raking up about Obama. I can just hear the Clinton brain trust pounding their collective fist on the Red Roof Inn table in Texas, damning McCain. There’s some irony in how this sex story is casting a shadow on the Clintons…