Friday, February 22, 2008

Democratic Debate, Texas Style

There really was no new information in the Democratic debate last evening. Both Clinton and Obama spoke fluently about policy and issues, showing a command of details that makes them both exceptional candidates. There were a few testy moments, and, of course, everyone will be talking about the “change you can Xerox” comment from Hillary. I could almost see her reaching out to pull the words back as she spoke them – she really needs to put a lid on Wolfson and Penn.

The other big moment that seems to be echoing is the kumbaya sentiments expressed by Clinton at the end of the debate. My sense watching this was relief. Taken in context with her statement that the super delegate issue would work itself out, this final statement signaled, at least initially to me, that Hillary is preparing to be magnanimous in defeat.

Clearly the attack mode is not resonating with Dem voters. Clinton tried to riff Obama with a remark about one of his surrogates not being able to identify any legislative accomplishments on national television. Obama remained calm and simply recited many of his good works, and said something to the effect that they shouldn’t be trying to tear each other down, but lifting the country up. An excellent moment for him, I thought.

So, basically a tie between two formidable and impressive candidates. Senator McCain has his work cut out for him.