Thursday, January 19, 2017

What's Next?

Most of us are caught in the trap of observe and react.  We glide through life, carried by the events of the day as if we were in a canoe on a river without a paddle.  It's easy and comfortable to do - simply sit back and let life flow around you.

The challenge with this is that if you're reacting in the moment, you're seldom creating.  And the trouble with reacting is that it robs you of the opportunity to be creative.  You know the feeling - a day late and a dollar short.  How many times has that happened to you?

Instead, spend some time each day observing and predicting.  Write your predictions down.  Look forward and see the change before it happens.  Right or wrong, the practice of observing and predicting helps you become adaptive rather than reactive.  Being adaptive makes space for creative practice and taking ownership of your situation.