Saturday, January 14, 2017

Don't misunderestimate Trump

One thing that's become clear about Trump throughout the campaign and nearing inauguration is that his outbursts and tweets are by design.  Clearly, like a comedian silences hecklers in the audience immediately, Trump takes the same approach with public critics.  Trump seems to follow the George Carlin model of intimidating the heckler into submission.  Use crude, obnoxious language and your broad platform to publicly humiliate the critic.

The language and behavior also violates our cultural norms so deeply that it creates uncertainty and fear.  Trump and his team have become experts at serving up cues to stimulate our collective amygdala.  A frightened populace is much easier to control, almost freely submitting to the authoritarian.  George W. did this with 'Terror Alerts' - Trump is simply finding everyday rhetorical devices to engage our lizard brains.

It's easy to sit back and mock him and ridicule his communication.  To Trump, his critics are wrong about everything, and they may be.  He is playing the long game.  It's how he became PEOTUS.  Keep us in the swamp of uncertainty and fear and present himself as the only answer.