Staying away from the television and emotion-laden news reports has proven to be good for my emotional health. To gain viewers and ratings, the 'news' shows simply push and tug at our emotional triggers. This is particularly true of cable news and you should avoid these travesties at all costs.
Please don't feed the animals. That's what I'm reminded of when I think of the people who watch Fox or MSNBC. These channels are providing political programming that serves to enrage people by engaging their lizard brains and causing anxiety. There's no cerebral engagement going on here - it's pure tribal and primal.
The further you get away from this commentary, the less impact most of the B.S. has on you. Sure, it's possible that the ideologues who hold political office are pursuing their agenda. And it's equally possible that this agenda is at odds with yours. But getting wrapped up in the anxiety and fear being propagated by the cable programming is not the solution. It's not even part of the solution and in most cases is making things worse as it solidifies a hyper-polarized environment.
The solution is to get involved. Volunteer for an organization you believe in - help advocate for them at the legislature. Talk to your friends and family about the work you're doing. Post your volunteer activity on social media to inspire others to follow suit. Donate money to the cause and work hard.
Make a difference. Don't worry about a thing.