So far no TeeVee sighting of Palin on talk shows. I'm convinced that the republicans will do all they can to limit her exposure to MSM...we all know how driven the reporters are to get an accurate story. Palin seems bright and energetic, which is a plus for JM, but nobody could be ready for the onslaught that is about to hit her. There's simply too much too learn in too short a time.
The learning curve involves not just information but delivery, body language, choice of words, and confidence. Palin seems to be able to deliver a stump speech fairly confidently, but let's remember that she is mostly singing her life story - not nuancing a policy position to eliminate inconsistencies.
At some point, she will no longer be able to dodge the spotlight. Her performance under trying conditions will speak volumes about her abilities and potential and could go a long way in convincing voters one way or another. McCain cannot keep her from the public - there are just too many unknowns. He must let her sink or swim.
Many conservative writers are not happy with this pick, especially the foreign policy type. The narrative in the MSM has gone from what seems like pleasant surprise to mild disbelief. Risk, gamble, unknown, inexperienced are all words being used to describe this pick.
I might add that reporters have not had time to vet the story line that Palin and McCain are pushing regarding the Alaskan bridge to nowhere. Story is that Palin, being the maverick that she is, blocked a federal earmark for a bridge. There are some newspaper reports that cast doubt on this storyline - for a candidate already embroiled in one lying scandal, not being honest on your first day could spell doom.