More wood to stack today. We hope to burn 5 cords this winter. I'm also planning to add insulation and plug up any air leaks - this won't be easy as our home is built well.
I'm a little worried about those that are unable to burn wood. Some in my family are having a difficult time with energy bills - one of my relatives recently told me that they cut their wood order in half because of the rising cost of cord wood.
This is simply not going to get cheaper, only more and more expensive. Our country is in dire need of alternative forms of energy that can be retrofitted to homes. Government subsidies that accelerate these technologies and make it more affordable for homeowners would spark an entrepreneurial revolution in our country. New homes could have these technologies built-in, while existing homes would receive retros.
This cannot be more difficult than when we moved plumbing indoors, or sending a man to the moon, or splitting the atom. We can do this.