Thursday, August 28, 2008

Generals for Obama

The Dems just trotted out retired generals and admirals who support Obama. Got me to thinking that we hadn't heard from Colin Powell in some time. At least not since Bill Kristol announced that Powell's endorsement of Obama was imminent.

The Obama campaign has been excellent at orchestrating endorsements and supporters. Throughout the primary season they used fantastic tactics to blunt any Clinton momentum. I suspect we will see more of this in the general election, including endorsements by high-profiles like Powell.

In many ways, the endorsements are a microcosm of Obama strategy. They do seem to be holding back their punches while McCain throws everything but the kitchen sink at them. I believe that the gloves come off after the convention, boxing McCain into corner after corner. Through the last few weeks, the McCain camp has been better at staying on message. This will change when they are on the defensive.