Monday, May 29, 2017


Rebecca Traister has a superb essay in the New York Magazine on the woman who should be president. It took a perfect storm to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House - Russian interference in our election, wide-spread voter suppression and voting irregularities, a bumbling FBI director and a weak and complicit main stream media.

It was always going to be a challenge to elect a woman as president:
"But postmortems offering rational explanations for how a pussy-grabbing goblin managed to gain the White House over an experienced woman have mostly glossed over one of the well-worn dynamics in play: A competent woman losing a job to an incompetent man is not an anomalous Election Day surprise; it is Tuesday in America."
It is a very well written, somewhat nostalgic, somewhat bittersweet read. Because at the end of the day, Donald what's-his-name is president and Hillary is filling Easter baskets:
"It was all very ordinary and small-talk-y until you remembered that Donald Trump is president and Hillary Clinton is discussing the merits of Peeps versus jelly beans."