Saturday, May 20, 2017

Brady's Done This Year

I've written before about my struggles with American football. It is a violent game. To produce the product that millions consume on television, thousands of young lives are laid waste. To create the infrastructure that supports professional players, tens of thousands of boys and sometimes girls are exposed to serious, debilitating injury or death. It's not just the cream of the physical crop that make it to the National Football League, it's also the winners of the survival roulette wheel.

Which brings me to Brady. I have no special insight - I'm a marginal fan whose enthusiasm for the sport wanes with my age. But as I scan the articles about the Patriots off-season moves and the recent comments from Brady's wife regarding his health, one plus one equals two for me. 

The local football team has loaded up to defend the Super Bowl title. Brady and team winning a 6th title would be a masterpiece of Da Vinci proportions in sports culture. Back to back and championships in 3 of 4 years, crafted in a career spanning 18 years where the average career expectancy is between 3 and 6 years.

Walking away, while and if he can, at that point is the only thing that makes sense to me.