My daughter called me today. She wanted some feedback on a challenge her family faced. Her son, who is 3, does not enjoy the one afternoon he spends each week with a babysitter. In fact, he cries, complains and causes general mayhem on the days when he is supposed to go.
Digging deeper, he has shared with my daughter that the four year-old son of the sitter is mean to him. Takes toys away, pushes and plays a little rough. This is all normal behavior, I'm sure, and my grandson is no angel - I've seen him in action with my granddaughter, his older sister. But it's real to him and is causing him serious distress. When your vessel is full, your vessel is full.
He and my daughter were talking about it this morning, and my daughter told him, "I just don't know what to do, Pop." using his nickname. He looked up at her and said, "Abi will know." Thus the call from my daughter.
Using my best coaching skills ("What's your heart telling you?"), I listened as my daughter worked herself through the challenge. She solved it.
Then, Pop and I had a great conversation about toy trucks.
Abi does know.