Billions of us have more information and connectivity at our fingertips today than any human who came before us. The tools and resources available on the Google machines are mind bending. We can know anything at any time and connect with other humans across the planet. The technology is developing at an incredible pace.
But does it connect us in meaningful ways? Are we able to connect and build on values, create narratives that bind us together in this virtual world? I don't think so. I believe these tools and resources are incredible supplements to living in this fast-paced world, perhaps even driving the pace. As such, they are indispensable. As substitutes for interpersonal, face-to-face human interaction, they are dangerous.
The challenge becomes the absence of personal connection. Civil dialogue in the US has always been issue dependent, with certain hot-button emotional issues creating conflict. We've had our share of canings and duels, but these really have been the exception and not the rule. Along comes the internet, adding layers of anonymity and creating cesspools of attack conversations.
Interestingly, to me, anyway, is that this type of conversation has been migrating to face-to-face interactions. People are feeling emboldened to be aggressive. Shoot first, ask questions later. There is a distinct lack of curiosity in many of our public meetings. Motives and intent are assigned in even the most innocent of circumstances. Good people are being chased from public service and only time will tell if the replacements are up to the task of compromise and leadership.
It seems that the pendulum is swinging away from the civil deliberation movement and more toward the authoritarian, tell us what to do model. Is there a tipping point where we all say ENOUGH?
I want to believe there is a yearning for something deeper. A more meaningful connection to others. It's what I want in my life. But this is my worldview, built on my experiences, trials and tribulations. Are people willing to convene and deliberate? Is there room in the conversation for disagreement and understanding?
I think there is only one way to find out. I hope to begin building a campaign for the public good. To make sure we create a forum where people can come together and share vision for the future. The future of our communities and our families. Without shared vision, we become atomized and lonely, susceptible to demagogues and con-artists. We look for the rider on the white horse to come in and save the day.
The power is with us. We decide what's next.