Sunday, March 12, 2017

Practice Makes Perfect

My practice is helping. Me and others. It's a cornucopia of activities and includes exercise, meditation, playing the guitar and learning. Each provides a slice of what my life needs in this moment.

Exercise is keeping me healthy - mind and body. Walking, push ups, pull ups and some weights. Many times I'm able to combine learning with my exercise by listening to podcasts and have grown very fond of Seth Godin. He's a remarkable person and I'll write a post about him in the near future.

My meditation practice keeps me sane. To be able to quiet my mind when I'm faced with systematic antagonism in my work is critical to my survival. I would like to increase my time to 60 minutes a day, from 30 minutes.

The guitar playing is not as consistent as I would like it to be. There's no way to master anything without consistent practice. It is every bit as peaceful as meditating and can bring solace to any day. I often daydream about playing well with other good musicians.

I am a life-long learner. I can't help it. 75% of the books I read are non-fiction. I listen to podcasts, TED Talks and books. Growth is an essential part of life. Without it, your soul withers and you lose a sense of purpose. I get much of that growth by learning and stepping into the uncertainty. This might work. This might not work.

All of these things add up to a better self for me.

I'm practicing for life.