Saturday, February 4, 2017

Rep Kurk has his hands in the pockets of current and future State of NH employees.  He's digging to find cash to give tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations.

Make no mistake about it.  This is a robbery.  There are no guns or masks.  Only hostages and victims.  There is a concerted effort to transfer more money and power into the hand of the 1%.
ALERT from the State Employees Association of New Hampshire SEIU Local 1984

Take Action Before Your Retirement Benefits Get Taken Away by the Legislature

Representative Neal Kurk of Weare introduced two bills in the New Hampshire House that, if passed, would destroy retiree health insurance protection.
HB 653 would institute a minimum of 12.5 percent health insurance premium contribution from over-65 and Medicare-eligible retirees, instating an income tax of sorts on a targeted group of people.
HB 645 would end retiree health insurance for any state employee hired after July 1, 2017, and puts ALL RETIREES IN THE STATE, present and future, into a voucher-style system, which rather than providing a defined insurance benefit, provides a set amount of money with which to buy insurance on the open market.
Read these bills here:
HB 653
HB 645
Both these bills are imminent threats to all State of NH employees. You must act! Contact your representative and tell them to VOTE NO on these bills. 
Click here to find your representative on the NH House of Representatives website.
The State of New Hampshire must live up to the obligations it has made to public sector workers. After dedicating years of public service, workers hope to retire with dignity and have the assurances made to them remain intact. Many spend years carefully planning their retirement around promises made to them when they began work. Instituting a premium contribution on our senior citizens will have a cruel impact – many will easily wind up spending their retirement years living in poverty.
The State of New Hampshire is grappling with recruiting and retaining a high-quality workforce across all segments of state service. The classification system is antiquated and ineffective, with many jobs lagging so far behind the pay scale some vacancies remain open for months. Reducing retirement benefits will only serve to increase the recruitment and retention gap that exists. 
Finally, it is outrageous the supporters of these bills will force current and future retirees into poverty and reduce the state’s ability to attract quality candidates, so they can turn around and provide tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy. Giving tax breaks at the expense of seniors who dedicated their lives to public service is immoral and absolutely unacceptable.
Take action today.
If you are a nonmember, consider joining the SEA today. Because retirement benefits are not part of our collective bargaining agreement, we are prohibited from using agency fee funds to advocate for these benefits. The fight to protect retirement benefits is borne solely by members.
Please join today and add your voice to our growing chorus calling for the state to live up to the promises made to us.
If you know a non-member, share this message. Persuade them to join us in this fight.
Click here to join.