It's Sunday. We have a full day of GOTV ahead of us and I've got to get some work done. Still have to pay bills and eat, and volunteering just doesn't bring home the bacon.
I was tired heading into the weekend. It seems that that tiredness has evolved into a determination to see this through to the end. It's been cold here in NH, and doing the visabilities requires some thermal preparation.
The most surprising and somewhat amusing thing to me is how much I've enjoyed the negative reactions from folks. Believe me, they're few and far between, but every once in a while we get a whack job driving by. At a busy, busy, intersection on a NH highway, we had a nutcase drive by and turn completely backward to holler out the back of his compact pickup truck window. I mean, the guy completely took his eyes off the road for full seconds to holler back. We returned his profanity laced tirade with laughter and waves, and got the bonus of seeing his eyes almost bulge from the sockets!
It's been a great GOTV effort. We've rented the Grange Hall here in our town, and are organizing a small army - around 150 people. Pretty amazing when you realize this is a town of about 3k, and in '04 we had trouble finding folks to do viz at the polls.
Vote Hope.