Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama wins Iowa

Obama pulled off what the media is descibing as an "upset" victory at the Iowa caucus yesterday. The only upset is that he is not the establishment candidate (Clinton is) and the media cannot wrap it's collective brain around the idea that grassroot movements can generate victory.

The media is simply not tuned in to what is happening around the country. In 2006 in New Hampshire, two grassroot candidates won congressional seats from incumbents. One, Carol Shea-Porter, had to defeat an establishment candidate (Jim Craig) in the primary. She did so handily...the NH Dem machine didn't know what hit them. It was all grassroot movement.

This is what is happening. The turnout for Obama in NH will be huge. Many are predicting that he will narrowly edge out Clinton in the primary here. I think it will be a comfortable margin of victory, quite possibly double-digits. Independents and Republicans will crossover to vote for him.

Edwards is my first choice. I love that he has driven the discussion to issues that are important to me. But any of these three candidates are worthy and qualified to be President. And something about voting for an intelligent, charismatic, and energetic black man for President inspires me.