All systems have limits and all systems produce exactly what they were designed to produce. It's remarkable that it has taken a pandemic with catastrophic results to demonstrate both of these principles.
As humans, we're living beyond the capacity of major, life-supporting systems. Our environmental system is collapsing - extinctions, global warming and life-threatening viruses are the norm. Our economic system is failing us - not since feudal times have we seen such disparity between the haves and have nots. Our political system, designed by wealthy slave owners 250 years ago for a confederation of 13 states and 5 million people to serve the interests of the elite minority (legalized feudal system) is not capable of rationally responding to a crisis in any of our life-supporting systems.
Most forms of government have been fully assimilated by predatory corporate capitalism. In times of crisis, any forms of relief will be designed to protect not the people, but the economic system and the corporate captains. There is a coming reckoning between displaced Americans and capitalists who need their fix. It's inevitable and it will take a revolution by the people to change this system.
There will be no rescue boats. Not for us.