Saturday, June 3, 2017

Apropos Of Nothing

Trump is ditching the Paris Accord because his hand was squeezed too hard by the new French president. I wish I was making this up.

Heading out for a bike ride around Governor's Island up in Gilford. I'm thinking about riding up from Concord - it's only 27 miles, but it will be my first long ride this year. I'm not sure I'm ready - we'll see.

Some people are just not doing what they were meant to do. You know who you are.

I'm heading to Philadelphia on Tuesday for two days. I was hoping for a Barnes Museum visit but it doesn't look possible. Going to see a hotel room and airport. That's it.

I have no interest in the Boston Red Sox. Not even box score scanning these days.

I've pretty much had it with Clinton Derangement Syndrome. I'm not fan of the Clintons, but agree completely with Hillary's assessment that she lost the election because of Russian meddling, Comey interference and a weak and ineffectual main stream media. It boggles my mind to read the columns by the same people who wouldn't move off the non-story email bullshit now telling Clinton to STFU and go away. We are all well and screwed.