Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wide Screen TeeVee New GOP Measure of Poverty

According to a new census report, 50% of Americans are living in or near poverty, underscoring the rapid decline of the middle class in the US.  It's really an untenable situation - people do not starve gracefully.

The good news, for the GOP anyway, is that many of new downtrodden put into these circumstances by the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression own big television sets and drive cars.  From the newspaper article:

Robert Rector, a senior research fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, questioned whether some people classified as poor or low-income actually suffer material hardship. He said that while safety-net programs have helped many Americans, they have gone too far, citing poor people who live in decent-size homes, drive cars and own wide-screen TVs.

I have to think that the reporter added this comment to demonstrate the intransigence of the GOP.  It cannot be resonating with many Americans, particularly this time of year.  I'm really on outrage overload - I just can't keep up.