It's bothered me from day 1 that we assembled a committee to study and fix a problem that does not exist (debt) while we ignore the problem that does exist (no jobs). Many are seeing the failure of the committee (I refuse to call this group of idiots "super") in cutting $1.2 Trillion from the US budget as a sign of political gridlock. I just don't see it that way.
Remember, if the committee could not come up with their own plan to cut $1.2 T, the automatic cuts would kick in. This means that there will still be $1.2 T cut, but from a pre-set list of cuts, including about half from the Pentagon. Of course, I'll believe that when I see it.
The GOP knows full well that they can bludgeon the country into submission the minute we begin cutting the military. In fact, the gnashing of teeth has already begun, with SecDef Leon Pannetta already screaming about how vulnerable the US will be if we cut defense. The Russians are getting in on some of the action, threatening to deploy missiles to target the "missile shield" in Europe. It's almost a Monty Python farce at this point.
I'm betting a dollar to a doughnut that not a penny gets taken from Defense. Takers?